Session Overview |
Monday, July 22 |
Chairs: Dr. Mauro Teixeira, Dr. Xavier Norel
This symposium will present recent studies on the mechanistic involved in the shift from the production of proinflammatory to proresolving molecules and ensuring the restoration of homeostasis. In particular, the speakers will address research concerning:
The therapeutic potential of annexin A1, lipoxin A4 and resolvin D1 or analogues targeting the FPR2-ALX receptor, identified as anti-inflammatory endogenous mediators in diabetes and their roles in cystic fibrosis;
The role and actions of Specialized Pro-resolvin Mediators (SPMs) in atherosclerotic and cardiovascular physiopathology, assessing the potential of utilizing SPMs for both prevention and resolution of cardiovascular inflammation.
SPMs in atherosclerosis and aging
Dr. Gabrielle Fredman, Albany Medical College, USA
Maresin and SPMs in human arteries and heart, interactions with PGE2 pathway
Dr. Xavier Norel, INSERM U1148, Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France
Novel molecules and mechanisms resolving inflammation, suppressing fibrosis
Dr. Catherine Godson, University College Dublin, Ireland
Abnormal resolution of inflammation in Cystic Fibrosis: A role for Specialized Proresolving Mediators
Dr. Valérie Urbach, INSERM, Université Paris-Est-Créteil, France