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Conférence hydrographique du Canada

Centre des congrès de St. John's


Au nom de l'Association canadienne d’hydrographie (ACH), permettez-moi de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à la conférence CHC2024 !

L'ACH a établi un partenariat de longue date avec « The Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA) », et les deux organisations organisent à tour de rôle cette série de conférences internationales annuelles. Les années paires la conférence est tenue au Canada et les années impaires aux États-Unis. Donc, cette année, c'est au tour du Canada, et nous sommes ravis de tirer parti du grand succès de la conférence US Hydro 2023 tenue à Mobile, Alabama, É-U, en organisant la CHC2024 qui se tiendra à St. John's, Terre-Neuve et Labrador.

St. John's est situé à un endroit idéal pour la tenue d’une conférence hydrographique ; c'est la ville la plus à l'est de l'Amérique du Nord, la ville est située au bord de l'océan Atlantique, avec une culture fondée sur plus de 500 ans de tradition maritime. St. John's est une ville merveilleuse avec une histoire riche et de nombreux sites intéressants à visiter : de la vue imprenable sur « Signal Hill » aux maisons colorées de « Jellybean Row », en passant par les icebergs au large de la côte jusqu'à la fin du mois de juin. Mais ce sont les gens dont vous vous souviendrez le plus, avec leur de gentillesse et leur joie de vivre, avec la musique et l'humour au cœur même de leur vie.

Nous avons choisi le thème de la CHC2024 "Unveiling our Blue Planet / Dévoiler notre planète bleue. Avec d'importantes initiatives internationales en cours, notamment la Décennie des Nations unies pour l'océanographie au service du développement durable et le projet The Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Seabed 2030, la nécessité de mieux comprendre la partie "bleue" de notre planète se fait de plus en plus sentir. Et bien que de nombreux progrès continuent d'être réalisés dans la discipline hydrographique, il reste encore beaucoup à faire, alors que la richesse et les applications des données hydrographiques se développent et que les frontières artificielles entre l'hydrographie et d'autres disciplines importantes s'estompent.

Dans le cadre de notre thème principal, nous mettons l'accent sur cinq facteurs clés qui orienteront et faciliteront notre travail pour faire progresser l'hydrographie :

- Comprendre le changement climatique
- L'économie bleue
- Partenariat et collaboration
- Avancées technologiques
- L'éducation et les carrières

Nous attendons avec impatience les documents de recherche, les présentations, les affiches, les expositions, les démonstrations, les discussions et, surtout, les merveilleuses occasions de maillage et de rencontrer des collègues et ami(e)s hydrographes.

Rendez-vous à St. John's !

Dale Nicholson
Président de l'Association canadienne d’hydrographique


Programme de la conférence

Aperçu et détails des sessions de cette conférence
Kongsberg Workshop - Seafloor Information System

Kongsberg Discovery will review the latest features implemented in Seafloor Information System 5.12.2 with a preview of SIS 5.14, which promises exciting new functionalities like automated compression, streamlined Sound Speed Manager integration, enhancing display backgrounds and survey planning capabilities. The SIS Remote demonstration will showcase its configuration and usage, highlighting how it enables remote operation of the EM system from anywhere, requiring only a license and network configuration. This feature supports a dispersed workforce and minimal training, as remote operators use the same interface as on the vessel. These advancements demonstrate Kongsberg Discovery's commitment to innovation and support for the hydrographic community's evolving needs.

Bannerman 1
QPS Workshop - Real-time Confidence: QPS presents high quality surveys for Ports and Pilots

Join QPS in exploring rapid survey acquisition and processing geared toward ports and harbors. Whether it is survey or dredging operations monitor every detail real-time during acquisition with Qinsy and know you are collecting high quality data through QA/QC displays and alerts. Data is filtered and added to our bathymetric/LiDAR processing suite, Qimera, after each survey line is completed. Qimera's intuitive workflow allows you to provide additional QA/QC and quickly get deliverables out the door. Interested in Backscatter? QPS's FM Geocoder Toolbox can quickly be used to process your Snippet Time Series data for analysis. If you want to see the big picture we will explore bringing multiple data types into QPS's Fledermaus 4D Visualization and Analysis suite to tell the story of your port or harbor. We will wrap up by showing how your bathy data can quickly be pushed to ENCs which can be viewed instantly in QPS's piloting software, Qastor. This provides full situational awareness through an adaptive environment for pilots allowing them to know what water depth is available to them based on daily bathy data, vessel draft and real time tides as well.

Bannerman 2
Teledyne Geospatial Workshop - CARIS & 7Cs: S-100 - The journey so far

Come and join us to get the latest updates on S-100 support in CARIS & 7Cs solutions. This S-100 themed workshop includes presentations, demonstrations, and discussions on transitioning to a S-100 production environment. The session will also include an overview of the latest updates on HIPS and SIPS and CARIS Onboard.

Bannerman 3
Coffee Break
Kongsberg Workshop - Seafloor Information System - continued
Bannerman 1
QPS Workshop - Real-time Confidence: QPS presents high quality surveys for Ports and Pilots - continued
Bannerman 2
Teledyne Geospatial Workshop - CARIS & 7Cs: S-100 - The journey so far - continued
Bannerman 3
Free time for lunch
Tour #1 - The Launch, Holyrood (Lunch provided in Holyrood)

For registered participants only, paid activity - $25.

MEETING POINT: Main lobby of the Convention Centre (101 New Gower Street, St. John's, NL, A1C 1J5)
Tour of The Launch, the Marine Institutes state-of-the-art living lab in Holyrood.

ISBC Workshop - Education and Training Standards of Competence

FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on the Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) are preparing new editions of the IHO S-5 and S-8 Standards of Competence. As there are numerous challenges around the hydrographic and cartographic disciplines in relation to education, programmes and courses etc., the IBSC are hosting an open style workshop to discuss the challenges around a sustainable and credible pathway for new entrants into the profession and career advancement for current professionals. The IBSC seeks to ensure that training and education standards and programmes are relevant to the needs of the profession and consistent with technical demands of the marketplace. This workshop will provide input to the process of developing new editions of the standards.

The workshop will have 3 main focuses in which participants from the public sector, academia, and industry are all invited to provide input:

- What should the new S-5 standards reflect
- Where the S-8 standards should evolve,
- Hydrographic Certification - what, why, how

Bannerman 1
NORBIT Workshop - High-resolution surveys using ultra-compact and portable multibeam echosounders

Join NORBIT to learn best practices and update skills to conduct accurate and efficient multibeam surveys. The workshop includes theory and equipment operation sessions, and demonstrations of the latest portable, high-resolution and motion stabilized sonars for seabed and infrastructure mapping. Rapid mobilization, collection and turnaround of data will be showcased.

Bannerman 2
EOMAP Workshop - SDB Day 24 - Satellite-based coastal mapping and monitoring

This workshop focusses on physics-based satellite analysis for coastal/shallow water mapping and monitoring applications. We introduce multispectral sensors and the technology workflow, followed by a SDB-Online data processing demonstration within the Canadian coastal zone. You will also learn about the European Commission's global coastal bathymetry project. - Join and discuss on this "SDB-Day"!

Bannerman 3
Coffee Break
ISBC Workshop - Education and Training Standards of Competence - continued
Bannerman 1
NORBIT Workshop - High-resolution surveys using ultra-compact and portable multibeam echosounders - continued
Bannerman 2
EOMAP Workshop - SDB Day 24 - Satellite-based coastal mapping and monitoring - continued
Bannerman 3
Ice Breaker (Drinks & Appetizers)
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
Dale Nicholson - Opening Remarks / Welcome
Bowring Ballroom 2
08h45-09h15 Keynote - Craig McLean: Oceans Advocate
Bowring Ballroom 2
09h15-10h15 Seabed Mapping - Session 1
Richard Sanfacon, CHA / ACH, Canada
Bowring Ballroom 2
09h15-10h15 TopoBathy Lidar
Karen Cove, Canadian Hydrographic Association, Canada
Bannerman 1
Coffee Break
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
10h45-12h00 Seabed Mapping - Session 2
Sylvain Babineau, Ocean Group, Canada
Bowring Ballroom 2
10h45-12h00 Nautical Products - Session 1
Geoff Dean, Esri, United States Of America
Geoff Dean, Esri, United States Of America
Bannerman 1
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
13h00-13h30 Keynote - Bethany Downer: Public Communicator for Space
Bowring Ballroom 2
13h30-15h00 Data Processing, Management, Analysis - Session 1
Burns Foster, Spatialnetics, Canada
Bowring Ballroom 2
13h30-14h45 Women In Hydrography - Panel
Helen Stewart, Fugro USA, United States Of America
Bannerman 1
Coffee Break
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
15h30-16h45 Multibeam, Sidescan, Subbottom
Ian Church, Canadian Ocean Mapping Research and Education Network (COMREN), Canada
Bowring Ballroom 2
15h30-17h00 Satellite Derived Bathymetry - Session 1
Andrew Hoggarth, Teledyne Geospatial (CARIS), Canada
Bannerman 1
Women in Hydrography Social
Lobby outside Bannerman 1
Exhibitors Evening, Networking, Cocktails (Drinks & Food)
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
08h30-09h00 Keynote - Ken Paul: Member of the Wolastoqey Nation at Neqotkuk
Bowring Ballroom 2
09h00-10h15 Satellite Derived Bathymetry - Session 2
Shelly Leighton, IIC Technologies, Canada
Shelly Leighton, IIC Technologies, Canada
Bannerman 1
09h00-10h00 Nautical Products - Session 2
Edward Kuwalek, IIC Technologies Inc., Canada
Bowring Ballroom 2
Coffee Break
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
10h45-12h00 Seabed Mapping - Session 3
Rafael Ponce, Esri, United States Of America
Bowring Ballroom 2
10h45-12h00 Data Acquisition (Lidar, MBES, SSS)
Jonathan Beaudoin, HydroOctave Consulting Inc., Canada
Bannerman 1
Lunch (Sam Masry Award)
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
13h00-13h30 Keynote - Laura Trethewey: Journalist and Author
Bowring Ballroom 2
13h30-15h00 Community Hydrography
Michel Breton, Canadian Hydrographic Service, Canada
Bowring Ballroom 2
13h30-15h00 Autonomous Vessels - Session 1
Lindsay Gee, Ocean Mapping Training LLC, United States Of America
Bannerman 1
Coffee Break
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
15h30-16h45 Data Processing, Management, Analysis - Session 2
Olga Telecka, Marine Institute, Canada
Bowring Ballroom 2
15h30-16h45 Autonomous Vessels - Session 2
Denis Hains, H2i, Canada
Bannerman 1
17h00-19h00 Poster session happy hours, networking cocktail (Drinks and appetizers)
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
Networking at the Yellowbelly Brewery

For registered participants only, paid activity - $40.

MEETING POINT: 288 Water St, St. John's, NL A1C 5J9. 5 min. walk.

Music, appetizers, drinks, and much more!

08h30-09h00 Keynote - Mathias Jonas: Secretary General IHO
Bowring Ballroom 2
09h00-10h15 Seabed Mapping - Session 4
Graham Christie, University of New Brunswick Ocean Mapping Group, Canada
Bowring Ballroom 2
09h00-10h15 Crowd Sourcing
Kyle Goodrich, TCarta Marine LLC, United States Of America
Bannerman 1
Coffee Break
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
10h45-12h00 Nautical Products - Session 3
Denise LaDue, US Army Corps of Engineers, United States Of America
Denise LaDue, US Army Corps of Engineers, United States Of America
Bowring Ballroom 2
10h45-12h00 Future Initiatives
Shep Smith, Canada
Bannerman 1
Bowring Ballroom 1-3-4-5
Student Mapping Challenge - The Results
Bowring Ballroom 2
13h30-15h00 Education, Certification
Derrick Peyton, IIC Technologies., Canada
Derrick Peyton, IIC Technologies., Canada
Bowring Ballroom 2
13h30-15h00 Tides, Currents
Tony Furey, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Bannerman 1
US Hydro and Closing of CHC2024
Bowring Ballroom 2
Tour #2 - The Launch, Holyrood (Coffee Break provided in Holyrood)

For registered participants only, paid activity - $25.

MEETING POINT: Delta Hotels St. John's Conference Centre (120 New Gower St, St. John's, NL A1C 6K4) 
Tour of The Launch, the Marine Institutes state-of-the-art living lab in Holyrood.



Kongsberg Discovery
Kongsberg Discovery
Teledyne Geospatial
Teledyne Geospatial
Qikiqtaaluk Corporation
Qikiqtaaluk Corporation
TCarta Marine LLC
TCarta Marine LLC
AML Oceanographic
AML Oceanographic
Maritime Robotics
Maritime Robotics
The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project
The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project
IIC Technologies Inc
IIC Technologies Inc
Arctus Inc.
Arctus Inc.
Whiteout Solutions
Whiteout Solutions
DASCO Equipment Inc.
DASCO Equipment Inc.
Trimble Applanix
Trimble Applanix
MacArtney Canada
MacArtney Canada
Canal Geomatics
Canal Geomatics
Fugro Canada Corp.
Fugro Canada Corp.
Canadian Ocean Mapping Research and Education Network (COMREN)
Canadian Ocean Mapping Research and Education Network (COMREN)
Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire
Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire
Marine Institute
Marine Institute
R2Sonic. LLC
R2Sonic. LLC
Hydro International
Hydro International
Sea Technology
Sea Technology
the Journal of Ocean Technology
the Journal of Ocean Technology